Paris 2024 is coming up fast for our Para-Athletes. Sign up to cheer them on!
Yes, I want to be on the Paralympics Cheer Team.
I want to support Para-athletes in their sport and help cheer them on at the Paris 2024 Paralympic games.
I support Paralympics Australia in their work to normalise disability and create a more inclusive, more equal Australia.
I’ll be:
- Advocating for a more inclusive society for people living with disability
- Helping get more people with disability participating in sport
- Cheering on our Para-athletes at the Paralympic games.
Join the Paralympics cheer team today
The road to being an elite athlete is rough, but the path to becoming a Para-athlete is even harder.
We need your help to get our Paralympians to the Games.
JOIN the cheer team. Support Australia at the Paris 2024 Paralympics.

Your Paralympians do more than just represent Australia at the Games

Paralympics Australia is a non-profit organisation.
Did you know? 20% of Australians have a disability!
Because of their impairment, people with a disability can face many more barriers than an able-bodied person. When it comes to playing sport and competing at a professional level – the challenges to success are even greater.
That’s why Paralympics Australia needs your support.
We focus all our energy on 3 goals:
1. Advocate for a more inclusive society for people living with disability.
2. Get people with disability participating in sport.
3. Preparing the best team of athletes to send to the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games.
We are change agents. Join our movement to normalise disability.